Sony aangemoedigd door succes 3DS

Terry (Lord_Hydra)

Ondanks de wat trage start van PlayStation Vita blijft Sony hoop houden. Jim Ryan, CEO van Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, geeft aan dat het recente succes van de handheld van concurrent Nintendo een goed teken is, ook voor hun eigen handheld.

"One of the encouraging things about 3DS' sales performance at Christmas is that it is confounding the naysayers who say that there is no room in the market for a dedicated handheld gaming device, and to that extent we were encouraged by how 3DS did over the last month", aldus Ryan.

Verder geeft Ryan aan dat hij geen voorspellingen gaat doen over de verkoop van Vita in de rest van de wereld op basis van de verkoop in Japan. "One of the things we have learnt over a long period of time, is that whether it is PS1, PS2, PSP or PS3, it is dangerous to the point of impossible to take any experience from the Japanese market and try and extrapolate it, and propose upon what will happen in Europe or North America. Not withstanding the fact that it is just way too early to make any conclusions. The markets are now just so different, I actually think they are diverging to a greater extent than they were different in the past - if that's even possible."