De basis van Portal 2 gelijk op alle platforms

Stefan (Nebo)

Waar de eerste Portal-game een "kleine" extra was in de Orange Box van Valve, zal Portal 2 gelanceerd worden als een op zichzelf staande game. De game verschijnt op 20 april in de VS en Australie, en twee dagen later kunnen ook wij de game in onze consoles en PC schuiven.

Vorige week werd bekend gemaakt dat PS3-gamers en PC- of Mac-gamers de co-op modus samen kunnen doorspelen. De PS3-versie wordt ook gebundeld met een code om de PC- of Mac-versie te downloaden via Steam. De uitspraak dat de PS3-versie superieur zou zijn ten opzichte van de Xbox 360-versie is echter niet het geval, aldus Chet Faliszek:

"To be clear, the core game, whether you buy it on PS3 or 360 is the same, you're not going to lose out anything on that. But what we have on the PS3 is like, you can play with PC and Mac players and you're going to get those updates more frequently but you'll still get updates on the 360. We learned I think on the Left 4 Dead series how to update the 360 in a reasonable manner, where probably on The Orange Box we probably didn't do as good a job admittedly. We're always learning and trying to get better. And then (with PS3) you're also going to be able to have your saves up in the clouds so if you go to your friends house and you want to play some co-op you can start back up where you were or whatever. So that's definitely a step towards us expanding out, and how we like to play games."