Miyamoto had voornemens eigen werk te vernietigen

WesleyB (Wesley Akkerman)

Shigeru Miyamoto heeft altijd het plan gehad om de door hem gegroeide genres en spelseries weer te vernietigen. Die inspiratie voor het plan heeft hij gehaald uit de uitvoering van manga-tekenaars die hun eigen gemaakte genre weer eigenhandig de nek om draaiden.

"When they became much older, they started to destroy the style they themselves had created,", zegt Miyamoto. "When I started working for the company, I thought that someday I would like to do the same. I wanted to destroy the styles that we ourselves created." 

"I don't think we can do so completely, but I think that in the way that we are making video games today we might be getting closer to my idea of destroying the original style. Because we ourselves have created the original format or style of video games," Miyamoto gaat verder, "we understand why we had to do it at the time. Because we understand that, we can also understand why some of them must be kept intact and why some of them we can destroy."

Voorheen heeft Miyamoto nooit mogen uiten waar hij mee bezig is van Nintendo, uit angst dat andere ontwikkelaars aan de haal gingen met zijn ideeën. Niet dat dit schokkende feiten zijn, maar hij houdt er nou eenmaal van om dingen eens goed op de schop te nemen.

"I like changing the interiors of the house, or sometimes even the exterior of the house. Sometimes I'm called the Sunday carpenter", zegt de ontwikkelaar. "Even at midnight or at some early hour in the morning, I will change the location of the sofa in the living room. That's me. Something tells me that by changing it my life is going to be more enjoyable. At least it's going to give me some fresh feeling."