De verschillende classes in Killzone 2 in woord en beeld

J (SocialDisorder)
Nog een maandje wachten en dan barst de invasie op Helghan los. Het in Amsterdam gevestigde Guerilla Games brengt op 25 februari de PS3-exclusive Killzone 2 uit. Naast een single-player-campagne zit er ook een multiplayer-modus in verwerkt waarin je beloond wordt voor je harde werk. Naarmate je meer ervaringspunten verdient, zul je meer mogelijkheden krijgen in de game. Hieronder kun je zien wat je kan verwachten.

Als je eenmaal ver genoeg bent, kun je classes gaan combineren met behulp van de secondary badges. Hieronder kun je lezen welke combinaties er mogelijk zijn.


Primary: Sets up an automated turret which targets the enemy.
Secondary: Repairs ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets.

Primary: Sets up an automated turret which targets the enemy.
Secondary: Throws a health pack, which can be picked up by other players.

Primary: Sets up an automated turret which targets the enemy.
Secondary: Tags all on-screen enemy players with a hidden marker, which broadcasts their coordinates to team mates.

Primary: Sets up an automated turret which targets the enemy.
Secondary: Temporarily boosts running speed.

Primary: Sets up an automated turret which targets the enemy.
Secondary: Requests air support from a sentry bot which targets the enemy.

Primary: Sets up an automated turret which targets the enemy.
Secondary: Throws a sticky, proximity-activated C-4 charge.


Primary: Revives downed team mates.
Secondary: Throws a health pack, which can be picked up by other players.

Primary: Revives downed team mates.
Secondary: Repairs ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets.

Primary: Revives downed team mates.
Secondary: Tags all on-screen enemy players with a hidden marker, which broadcasts their coordinates to team mates.

Primary: Revives downed team mates.
Secondary: Temporarily boosts running speed.

Primary: Revives downed team mates.
Secondary: Requests air support from a sentry bot which targets the enemy.

Primary: Revives downed team mates.
Secondary: Throws a sticky, proximity-activated C-4 charge.


Primary: Uses a cloaking suit to become near-invisible.
Secondary: Tags all on-screen enemy players with a hidden marker, which broadcasts their coordinates to team mates.

Primary: Uses a cloaking suit to become near-invisible.
Secondary: Repairs ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets.

Primary: Uses a cloaking suit to become near-invisible.
Secondary: Throws a health pack, which can be picked up by other players.

Primary: Uses a cloaking suit to become near-invisible.
Secondary: Temporarily boosts running speed.

Primary: Uses a cloaking suit to become near-invisible.
Secondary: Requests air support from a sentry bot which targets the enemy.

Primary: Uses a cloaking suit to become near-invisible.
Secondary: Throws a sticky, proximity-activated C-4 charge.


Primary: Dons heavy armour twice as strong as normal.
Secondary: Temporarily boosts running speed.

Primary: Dons heavy armour twice as strong as normal.
Secondary: Repairs ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets.

Primary: Dons heavy armour twice as strong as normal.
Secondary: Throws a health pack, which can be picked up by other players.

Primary: Dons heavy armour twice as strong as normal.
Secondary: Tags all on-screen enemy players with a hidden marker, which broadcasts their coordinates to team mates.

Primary: Dons heavy armour twice as strong as normal.
Secondary: Requests air support from a sentry bot which targets the enemy.

Primary: Dons heavy armour twice as strong as normal.
Secondary: Throws a sticky, proximity-activated C-4 charge.


Primary: Throws a coloured smoke grenade, which serves as a spawn point.
Secondary: Requests air support from a sentry bot which targets the enemy.

Primary: Throws a coloured smoke grenade, which serves as a spawn point.
Secondary: Repairs ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets.

Primary: Throws a coloured smoke grenade, which serves as a spawn point.
Secondary: Throws a health pack, which can be picked up by other players.

Primary: Throws a coloured smoke grenade, which serves as a spawn point.
Secondary: Tags all on-screen enemy players with a hidden marker, which broadcasts their coordinates to team mates.

Primary: Throws a coloured smoke grenade, which serves as a spawn point.
Secondary: Temporarily boosts running speed.

Primary: Throws a coloured smoke grenade, which serves as a spawn point.
Secondary: Throws a sticky, proximity-activated C-4 charge.


Primary: Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player.
Secondary: Throws a sticky, proximity-activated C-4 charge.

Primary: Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player.
Secondary: Repairs ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets.

Primary: Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player.
Secondary: Throws a health pack, which can be picked up by other players.

Primary: Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player.
Secondary: Tags all on-screen enemy players with a hidden marker, which broadcasts their coordinates to team mates.

Primary: Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player.
Secondary: Temporarily boosts running speed.

Primary: Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player.
Secondary: Requests air support from a sentry bot which targets the enemy.