Tien trucs die je 360 kan doen

Vincent (Gamer_V)
De site TechRadar heeft 10 tips en trucs vrijgegeven die je voor de 360 kan gebruiken. Zo is er o.a. de mogelijkheid om je 360 een blog bij te laten houden; hoe je, je 360 aan een wireless netwerk kan koppelen, en misschien wel de belangrijkste: hoe je gratis online kan spelen.

De tips en trucs zijn hier te vinden.

4. Play Xbox 360 games online for free – without a Live account

That you have to pay a subscription for online gaming, something that's free on other consoles and on the PC, is perhaps the 360's greatest bugbear. Stage your own form of peaceful process by playing online without paying a penny. You'll need XLink Kai, a free app you run from a PC on the same network as the console that tricks the 360 into thinking the internet is a LAN.

So it'll treat remote opponents as though they're in the same room as you – and you don't have to pay for local multiplayer. Clever! One snag – Microsoft has set the 360 to boot out anyone with a ping higher than 30ms, so you'll have to be selective about who you play with. Local chums are best, not your Chinese penpal.

Bedankt Mr_Monkeyman voor het herschrijven van de submit!