Mass Effect uitgesteld, blik op verbeterde decryptie-minigame
Om dit verlies van een maand zure speeltijd te compenseren heeft Demiurge ons wel een eerste blik gegund op de vernieuwde decryptie-minigame die voor de PC-versie is ontwikkeld. In tegenstelling tot de minigame die in de Xbox 360 versie te vinden was zal deze versie minder reflexen vereisen en meer inzicht en Frogger-kunsten:
Hacking into a computer has a lot of metaphors that have led to some interesting, if not particularly technically accurate metaphors over the years. So I decided to go with the metaphor of the "virus" trying to infect the "data", whilst trying to avoid "anti-virus" programs. The avatar would swing around a ring, and then, when they could find a spot that was relatively safe of the anti-virii, move one step closer to the final goal. The player would be balancing their resources of proximity to the center and safety, while their time resources were trickling away.And so I ended up with something that looked like Frogger, but if you were trying to cross a rotary.