Activision reageert op beschuldigingen MTV/Harmonix

J (SocialDisorder)
Nadat gisteren bekend werd gemaakt dat Activision de patch tegenhoudt om de PS3 Les Paul-controller te kunnen gebruiken in de PS3-versie van Rock Band, heeft Activision gereageerd op deze beschuldiging.
Zij claimen dat het MTV weigert om tot een overeenkomst te komen waardoor de compatibility gerealiseerd wordt. Het volledige pers-statement is als volgt:

To Music Gaming Fans:

The recent announcement by MTV Games/Viacom's Harmonix division that Activision is blocking Sony from releasing a patch and their plea to enable Rock Band software to work with Guitar Hero hardware paints a very misleading picture.

In fact, Harmonix and its parent company MTV Games/Viacom recently declined Activision's offer to reach an agreement that would allow the use of Guitar Hero guitar controllers with Rock Band. We have been and remain open to discussions with Harmonix and MTV Games/Viacom about the use of our technology in Rock Band. Unfortunately for Rock Band users, in this case Harmonix and MTV Games/Viacom are unwilling to discuss an agreement with Activision.

Activision's top priority is to provide consumers with a seamless marriage of best-in-class hardware and software. We are focusing our efforts on innovating hardware and software that are designed to work together, work flawlessly and provide an enjoyable gaming experience.

Best regards,

Aangezien MTV/Harmonix beweert dat de patch al bestaat en in handen is van Sony, zou dit kunnen betekenen dat Activision geld wil zien voor de compatibility. De enige partij die daar uitsluitsel over kan geven is Sony, die nog niet gereageerd heeft in deze zaak.