Winnaars E3 awards bekend

Na elke E3 gaan een aantal van de grootste nieuwssites en -bladen in de gamesindustrie om de tafel zitten om de E3 awards uit te delen. Grote winnaar wat betreft games is Rock Band welke drie awards in de wacht sleepte. Wat betreft consoles won de 360 met 11 awards.

De complete awards:

Best of Show: Rock Band
(Harmonix/MTV Games/EAP for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

Best Original Game: LittleBigPlanet
(Media Molecule/Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for PS3)

Best Console Game: Mass Effect
(Bioware/Microsoft Games Studio for Xbox 360)

Best PC Game: Crysis

Best Handheld Game: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
(Nintendo for Nintendo DS)

Best Hardware/Peripheral: Rock Band Instruments
(Harmonix/MTV Games/EAP for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

Best Action Game: Call of Duty 4
(Infinity Ward/Activision for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

Best Action/Adventure Game: Bioshock
(Irrational Games/2K Games for PC, Xbox 360)

Best Role Playing Game: Mass Effect
(Bioware / Microsoft Games Studio for Xbox 360)

Best Racing Game: Burnout Paradise
(Criterion Games/Electronic Arts for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

Best Sports Game: Madden NFL 08
(Electronic Arts for All Platforms)

Best Fighting Game: Virtua Fighter 5
(Sega for Xbox 360)

Best Strategy Game: World in Conflict
(Massive Entertainment/Sierra for PC)

Best Social/Casual/Puzzle: Rock Band
(Harmonix/MTV Games/EAP for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

Best Online Multiplayer: Halo 3
(Bungie/Microsoft Games Studio for Xbox 360)

Special Commendation for Graphics: Killzone 2
(Guerilla Games/Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for PS3)

Opvallend is dat, op Zelda Phantom Hourglass, er geen enkele Nintendo titel tussenstaat. Wii Fitness, Mario Galaxy en Metroid Prime konden dus niet genoeg overtuigen op de E3.