Jack Thompson naar de psychiater?
Jack zelf is not amused en schijnt al druk in onderhandeling te zijn met de hoge heren:
Mediation failed today because there was no mediation whatsoever [Florida Bar official] Ms. Tuma not only did not move off her [suspension] demand one iota, not one smidgeon, but she instead upped her demand by requiring that Thompson undergo a battery of psychological tests as part of the fabulous deal The Bar offered himMs. Tuma [sic] last demand going into the mediation was a 91-day suspension, and she opened and ended with that and a shrink's couch. This is bad faith.
This mediation was a charade. Finally, [Thompson] requests a status conference herein as soon as possible so that we can shut this Star Chamber down. Thompson is not the one who needs a psych evaluation.

"En wat ziet u hierin mijnheer Thompson?"
"Euh.. Grand Theft Auto?"