Peter Moore beschrijft ideale Xbox gamer

Peter Moore (Microsoft) heeft in een interview de ideale Xbox gamer beschreven. Een aantal kenmerken die deze Xbox gamer zou moeten hebben zijn onder andere een leeftijd van zo'n 24 jaar, hij (geen vrouw dus) speelt al twee jaar in een Halo 2 clan en moet een echte achievementhoer zijn die liever een HDTV heeft dan zijn dagelijks brood:

He is connected (Internet) He is very, very used to going online for community. He's probably played PC games online. He's part of a Halo 2 clan and has been for two years.

That comes from him playing Halo in college - so he's 23 or 24 - with his buddies. He still loves to go out on a Wednesday night with them, even though they're spread all around the US. But they all come together Wednesday night to relive the days in the dorm room.

He also expects instant gratification, the delivery of game demos to his hard drive via his broadband network. And he's popular enough to have his profile online and he's pretty competitive, so he loves Achievements. He'll stay up all night to get achievements in games that his buddies have because it just pisses him off that they've got them first.

He also would rather starve to death than not have a high-definition TV. He'll go without food rather than have a standard-def 27-inch TV.