Wii regio vrij?
Over een eventuele regio-vrije Wii zei Perrin Kaplan, vice-president van marketing en communicatie bij Nintendo America, het volgende:

Clearly, the success of Nintendo DS has offered a lot of lessons about what works in the marketplace -- and we certainly intend to keep our fans satisfied. For the Wii system, we are finalizing all the relevant details and will be making announcements in the coming months.
We know that isn't what you all want to hear (or read) but at least we are being honest! We will share a lot of ways people can play globally, regionally, without boundaries. You're right that the region-free approach has proved to be a successful and attractive feature for Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Nintendo DS -- we have even blown the doors off our own anticipated numbers! Cost, ease-of-use and player privacy are the three things that were a focus for us with Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Those priorities also will apply to the Wii system.
Het staat dus nog niet in steen geschreven, maar de eerste hints zijn wel gegeven. Voor meer informatie zullen we toch met z'n allen moeten wachten tot september, wanneer Nintendo ons als het goed is zal overspoelen met informatie, waaronder de release date.