WoW Guild helpt zieke gamer de zomer door
Afgelopen december werd World of Warcraft speler Jason, een level 60 human paladin genaamd Dredd, gediagnosticeerd met Burkitt's Lymphoma, een zeldzame en dodelijke vorm van kanker. Hierna volgden vele operaties en heftige chemokuren, waarna hij terecht kwam in het langzame proces van revalideren, een baan vinden en zijn leven weer terug op de rails krijgen.
Natuurlijk kostte dit alles handenvol met geld. Sterker nog, het scheelde niet veel of Jason en zijn gezin waren dakloos geweest, aangezien de overheid geen hand uit stak. Jason's WoW guild daarentegen schoot hem wél te hulp, en hielp hem door deze zware tijd heen:
"3 months out of chemo I type to you all here and now, 3 months I have tried to heal as fast as I could, learn to walk and type, and get a new job which I just started today making a good salary. But I could not have done this without the support of many people, here in World of Warcraft.
When the state, charities, governor, news agencies, senators and even the president of the united states did not respond to my familys pleas for help to keep a roof over our head, help to keep the power company from shutting us off from a $1,500 power bill and keep food on the table for my kids while we incurred expenses of me missing work, my Guild stepped up.
Sedren 60 human priest formed a fund via paypal and was able to get donations from guild members to aid my fight to live.
Redlit 60 human warlock and his lovely wife (grats on the news of the baby!), Brindange 60 human paladin donated a large sum of money to help pay our bills.
Mystify and his lovely lady, Luvforlorn (60 warlock and 56 priestess) donated a large sum of money to help our fight as well
Krete, Jeeden, Shinyou, Havokskiss, Frostedtears, and everyone else in our guild, Guardians of Malingon, have total raised almost $4,000
There are many many more in our guild who supported my family in this fight, but they wont tell me who all donated because they wanted to help and not want it back You have our love."
This post is one of hope, dreams and about living and loving the ones you hold dearest to you. When the real world turned its back on my family, the tanks, healers, and all that kind of good stuff in a video game, in a community where we all trust and love one another came through and put together a miracle.
The fight continues, as now I am working and will try to catch things up as soon as possible. We are not out of the fire yet, but each day the light grows brighter at the end of the tunnel. Should I live the next 5 years being cancer free, I would have truly beaten it, if not, I will die knowing those who cared and those who loved me more than any epic or loot item, and those who cared about the human spirit when all they know of me is what they hear about over Ventrilo.
Please take a moment in your busy day to notice our guild members for their outstanding support and their love for their fellow man, you dont have to let them win that epic out from under you, but a big Feathermoon pat on the back will do just fine."
De volledige post en alle reacties kun je hier vinden. Inmiddels heeft Jason ook zijn eigen forum opgezet, voor iedereen die geinteresseerd is in Burkitt's Lymphoma, of zelf iemand in zijn naaste omgeving aan kanker heeft verloren.