[Update] Eerste Revolution screens: Red Steel

Red Steel is een shooter van UbiSoft (Far Cry, Prince of Persia, Ghost Recon). Een bijschrift bij een van de screens is als volgt: Notice how the angle of the in-game gun reflects the angle at which you hold the controller
Andere stukken tekst uit het artikel (niet compleet omdat niet alles ingescand is):
"not to assign any personality to the main character. You are the hero in Red Steel and this is your adventure. The only backstory to the protagonist is that he is an american male who is engaged to a Japanese American woman name Myu. On the night that you are supposed to meet Myu's father for the first time, she is kidnapped from the psh Los Angeleles restaurant you're dining in. You quickly learn that her father is a Yakuza boss named Sato, who is in possesion of an important ceremonial katana. A younger, more ruthless Yakuza faction led by a man called Tokal attempted to steal the sword from Sato to shift the balance of power within the organization. Sato thwarted the attempt to steal the sword, but was mortally wounded in the attack. Tokal's men kidnap Myu in response, hoping to trade her life for the sword. But Sato refuses to hand over the sword to Toakl, instead giving it to you, with the instructions to use it to find his daughter. Sato dies soon after diving you the sword, leaving you all alone and untrained against Tokal's men. Armed with the katana and a selection of firearms, you myst follow Myu to Japan and defeat Tokal, but first you must gain the skills necessary to confront him. According to --- the first third of the game will be more brutal by necessity. When you are first learning to use the Revolution controller, you will be less precise and --- (blurry and cuts off)
"a series of headshots, it is often more beneficial to take a non-lethal shot, such as shooting a gun out of an enemy's hands. I mnay situtations, there wil be a higher-ranking enemy who commands the others in the area. By defeating him and sparing his life, he will offer you his respect and help. The enemies he commands will surrender their guns and the boss may offer you a new weapon, a special path through the level, or other reward. Any time you spare an enemy, you will be rewarded. as it always takes more skill to spare a life than to take it. Freeze shot adds a lot of dpeth to the gunplay and is a natural fit for the Revolution controller, but isn't the only way that Red Steel adds spice to the combat. After all, why would you carry a sword through a game if you couldn't use it? Although the majority of Red Steel's gameplay will stress ranged combat, there will be times you need to get up close and personal. You can switch to the sword at any time, and if you can get close enougn to an enemy, you can use it for on-hit stealth kills. In other moments, you'll find yourself locked into intense one-on-one sword duels. Any time you take on an enemy with a sword of his own, you'll need to take yours out right away, or his blade will make short work of you. Swinging the Revolution controller in front of you, you will see the sword onscreen (cut off)"
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Update 12:30u
Xrenity heeft in het Revolution topic een kort overzicht geplaatst met daarin de features van de game:
- Volledige FPS (geen arcade- of lightgunspel)
- Online mode en splitscreen multiplayer
- 1 tegen 1 zwaardgevechten (gebruik het zwaard ook om te blokken)
- Granaten gebruiken op de manier waarop jij de controller beweegt
- Trek de revmote naar achteren om te reloaden en duw m naar voren om objecten om te stoten en achter te schuilen
- Spaar tegenstanders en verdien rewards
- Gangsta-style schieten door de controller schuin te houden
- Launch game
- Ontwikkeld in nauwe samenwerking met nintendo zelf