PS4 moet de gamesmarkt gaan domineren

Frank (Mr-writer)
Sony topman Ken Kutaragi heeft uitlatingen gedaan over de PS4. Volgens Kutaragi wordt het platform de verwezelijking van een langgekoesterde droom. Namelijk de gamesmarkt domineren in het volgende decennium, zo rond 2015:

"My dream, and the dream of all my team, hasn't finished. In fact we haven't achieved even half of what we're going to do. We want to lead with the PlayStation 3, and beyond that to the PlayStation 4 within the next decade. I am an engineer and I like technology. I want to change the world with technology and I want to change our lives. The best way to realise it is, for us, PlayStation. Today, I would like to tell stories that might sound like a dream."

Over de releasedatum van de PS3 heeft Sony nog niets bekend gemaakt.