Speciale Play-Yan voor GB Micro

Nintendo heeft een speciale Play Yan in de maak voor de GB Micro. Deze Play Yan is net iets anders dan de gewone Play Yan, maar speelt wel gewoon hetzelfde af (video en mp3 onder andere).
*The firmware update that allowed the original PY model to use MP4 format video files will now be included in the Play-Yan Micro. This means the Micro can play the video format without the 500kb patch taking up valuable storage space.
*The graphical interface has been given a face lift, with the cute little guy that jumps around as music is being scrolled through being replaced by a more pedestrian figure. More color has also been added to spruce things up.
*The sleep function has been changed to accomodate the Game Boy Micro's design. Previously, hitting L+R put the 'Yan to sleep, and hitting any face button woke it up. Since all of the Micro's face buttons are exposed (unlike the closed SP), the system may accidently come out of sleep mode. Because of this, sleep is now assigned to holding down the Start Button.
*The Play-Yan Garage Games will no longer work on the Micro version, likely due to the redesign of the interface (and also because seeing the games on the tiny Micro screen would probably be impossible).
* The bundled Media Stage software comes on a full-sized disc, rather than the smaller 8cm disc previously included. The version of Media Stage included appears to be the same version that came with the old Play-Yan model, which means no encoding support for the new firmware-enabled MP4 video.
* The Play-Yan has exclusively been sold through Nintendo's website. While the PY Micro will still only be availble through online retailers, the device will be available through online retailers other than Nintendo, such as Amazon Japan.