PvP Survival tips van Blizzard

Martijn (Tain)
Blizzard heeft op de World of WarCraft een pagina ingericht hoe je het beste kan overleven op een PvP server. De pagina geeft tips hoe je het beste kan spelen op een PvP server en de lijst met tips is vrij lang. Door deze pagina ziet het er niet naar uit dat Blizzard aanpassingen gaat maken aan het honor systeem.
Pay Attention
Playing on a PvP server means paying attention. Look over your shoulder at almost all times. Know that your quest plans could change any moment and turn into a battle with the enemy faction. If you're not ready for this, consider a PVE server instead of or in addition to PVP. It's not for everyone, but you'll find that most people that play and enjoy a PVP server love the exhilaration of never being safe. It takes skill, it takes patience, and it requires that you keep up with strategies. It might mean more reading and studying than the PVE servers, but if you're reading this, chances are you're up for it. Good luck.

Adventure in Groups
It's a lot safer to adventure with a full party. That way, if one or two enemy players attack, you'll have a better chance of surviving. Solo players are the most at risk and should be prepared to die more depending on their class, skill level, and items. A bunch of low-level players can take out a higher-level player with enough numbers. So if there is a high-level enemy killing many people in your region, rally defenders by using the LocalDefense channel and by using the /who command to check for other players around. Get together with other players who are getting killed by the same enemy you are, party with them, get yourselves organized together, and hunt him down.