"A movie about The Movies?"

Het volledige interview is hier te lezen."[...]
What's been the movie industry's reaction to the game? Do they see it as threat or a complement to their industry?Peter Molyneux: Well there's some very funny stories with it. Hollywood is insane, as a place, how any movie is made I just haven't got a clue. It's an amazing place to make a movie.
The first reaction from the movie industry is that they wanted to buy the rights to make the movie - I've got to get this right - to make the movie of The Movies. I had to sit down and explain to them, because they approached us and said: "We'd like to make some movies about some of your games and the movie we want to make first, is one based around The Movies."
So I had to say: "Well look this is actually a game about your industry, and it's not really suitable. I don't think it's a really good idea." I had to convince them it wasn't a really good idea.
I've also shown it to screenwriters, scriptwriters and directors and I've had a couple of people say: "Oh god, now technology is here we're not needed as actors any more." They're very insecure in Hollywood, they don't like the idea that... for example I was talking to them about this thing called the Hero's journey and how we use it in game to this very famous scriptwriter. He said "You can't do that it'll ruin people's enjoyment of movies, this is one of our secrets!" It's quite amazing their reaction.