Spartan: Total Warrior screens + info
Volgens beide bedrijven zal Spartan: Total Warrior uniek in zijn genre worden. 'Real-time gevechten in enorme veldslagen; een combinatie die nog nooit gedaan is', aldus Scott A.Steinberg, vice-president marketing van Sega Amerika.
Enkele features van de game:
Tenslotte zijn er drie screenshots verschenen:"[...]
- Massive battles featuring legions of detailed warriors simultaneously engaged in dynamic, pitched combat
- Wade into the thick of battle with intense combat featuring a wide range of moves, multiple melee & missile weapons, combos, spectacular special moves, finishing moves, blocks, shield charges and evasive manoeuvres
- Realistic and fluid motion-captured and hand keyed animation without any sacrifice to game-play responsiveness
- Richly detailed battlefields extend to the horizon. From arid wastelands to full scale cities, through dungeons to rugged mountains, and finally to the ultimate showdown in the Imperial Coliseum in Rome, the titles environments are massive

De game moet in september op alle consoles verschijnen.