Jade Empire mogelijk ook naar PC

Dr. Ray Muzyka (Bioware CEO) heeft tijdens de European Games Network in Londen gezegd dat overwogen wordt om Jade Empire ook op de PC te ontwikkelen.

"It's exclusive currently on Xbox, but we are exploring the idea of a PC version. It would be after the Xbox. Nothing's announced yet, nothing's for sure, but certainly we're interested in the idea. We own the IP and we're interested in developing it on PC, and Microsoft's interested in it too, but until it's announced officially it's not really something I can confirm or deny."

Bovendien is er aangekondigd dat Bioware, naast Jade Empire (Xbox) en Dragon Age (PC), nóg een titel in ontwikkeling heeft: "We have another IP we haven't announced anything on yet".

Op de vraag wat voor game het was: "We make RPGs. But for us it's a broad definition like the RPG, the story, character interaction, exploration, character progression, and then anything else, so it can be strategy, action, a variety of things."