Livestream van Dragon Age: Inquisition

Gisteravond om 19:00 had Bioware een livestream op Twitch voor Dragon Age: Inquisition waar Mike Laidlaw en Mark Darrah vragen beantwoorden en gameplay lieten zien op een PlayStation 4. Maandag 13 oktober om 19:00 is er weer een livestream die je hier kunt zien.

De livestream van gisteravond ging voornamelijk over de elf- en dwergpersonages. Maandag wordt de Dragon Age Keep behandeld.

Enkele vragen die gisteren zijn beantwoord:

  • We can fast travel from the War table.
  • There will be Necromancy in the game but no blood magic.
  • We can not use healing spells and they are not in the game. In order to heal, we will need to use potions or a healing grenade. This will form a "healing area" that heals anyone inside it.
  • Tactical Camera featured and explained: We will be able to pause combat at any time and give order to our teammates. We can tell them where to go, what action to take, etc. It can be done multiple times during battle. If we are losing the battle, we can disengage and run away which they highly recommend we do early on.
  • It will run at 900P and 30FPs on consoles. PC specs not given out yet.
  • There is no swimming in the game. Due to problems that could arise if we are wearing heavy armor, light armor or different weapons, Bioware opted out of swimming.
  • Fall damage will recover over time, but very slowly.