Skyrim vaker gepatcht dan Oblivion en Fallout 3

Spelregisseur Todd Howard heeft aangegeven dat Bethesda in de afgelopen maanden al meer patches heeft vrijgegeven voor Skyrim dan de uitgever deed voor Oblivion en Fallout 3.

"When you put all this time into something and someone can't play it, you feel terrible. They have every right to be pissed off", zegt Howard. Hij geeft aan dat door het immense succes van het spel - zo goed heeft Bethesda nog nooit gescoord met een game - er ook veel meer boze gamers zijn die klagen.

"The percentage of people that have a problem on any particular system ends up a low percentage, but the raw number ends up being larger than we would have expected."

Howard geeft aan dat Bethesda meer tijd kan steken in zaken als bugtesting, maar ondanks dat Skyrim nog steeds het best verkochte spel is voor hen. "We learned a lot about this. In particular with the PS3 version was, 'Why aren't we seeing this?'"

"We saw some of [the bugs] that we were able to solve very quickly, but we eventually had to go to the consumer and ask for their saved game files. You're looking at saved games where, not everybody, but certain people played for 100s of hours, and lots of different reasons it was happening. Fortunately we were able to fix it with the latest update."

"The main thing we did learn, now that we have the beta program on Steam, because we realized that no matter what we do internally, we have 10 million people playing the game and their saves are in all sorts of states, even if we test something to the nth degree, we're still looking at this microcosm of everybody's current live game. So that was new for us."