Yamauchi: "Gran Turismo 5 ziet er beter uit dan de realiteit"

Gran Turismo 5 ziet er best goed uit, dat moeten we toegeven. Yamauchi is het echter niet met ons eens. Helemaal niet zelfs. Volgens de heer Yamauchi ziet Gran Turismo 5 er beter uit dan de realiteit en heeft voor de mensen die het niet snappen, een uitgebreide uitleg vanuit een interview met Nowgamer:

"'Better than reality' – yeah, that's one way of putting it. In a way, it's kind of a given that it's going to look better than reality. The thing about reality is that the criteria for looking "real" are actually a lot stricter and volatile than you'd expect. The way the sun shines, reflects off something, the way it lights scenery – we seldom have the opportunity to see what we consider "reality" under the best and most aesthetically pleasing conditions."

"Every time we go out to the circuit and take photos of cars, we get that same impression again. When you see a race on television, compared to a race in a game, you realise that the reality isn't as shiny or pleasant as the game. However, these "best conditions" do indeed exist. They happen every once in a while. Maybe, once a year, you'll be watching a race on TV, or you'll be outside, and a cloud will move in an ideal direction, and the sun will shine down at a perfect angle, and maybe just for a moment you'll have this beautiful scene right in front of you."

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