[Gerucht] Final Fantasy XIII nog dit jaar in Japan

Een EA-medewerker heeft op NeoGAF-forums aangegeven er vrij zeker van te zijn dat Final Fantasy XIII voor Sony's Playstation 3 nog eind dit jaar in Japan zal uitkomen. De rest van de wereld zal waarschijnlijk moeten wachten tot de eerste helft van 2009.

Zoals de meesten weten hebben Square-Enix en EA hebben altijd al een goede relatie gehad. Hierdoor is het niet onwaarschijnlijk is dat deze EA-medewerker op de hoogte is van de huidige ontwikkelingen bij Square-Enix. Lees hieronder de uitspraken van de EA-medewerker, die onder de naam evilone op het NeoGAF-forum deze uitspraken deed.

"FF13 this December in japan."

"Mark my words. FF13 this December in japan. Playable demo this year at TGS(which I am going too) and playable demo for japan right before release."

"This game will not have a WW release due to localization issues. It will hit japan first then NA/ EU the following year but within the fiscal."

"Yes but within the fiscal. It all depends on how well and fast they can localize the game for PAL/ NA regions. The game can easily slip into the new fiscal year for NA/ PAL just due to localization alone."

"It could but the impact of the game will not be as huge. The game must hit japan this xmas to keep the current interest in Japan. This is the reason why SE will own this TGS."

"Yes you are. TGS will be about FF13."

"You know i cant state how i know this but at the same time its common sense guys. The longer this game takes the less appeal. MGS4 is now out and it was announced around the same time as FF13. Do you think they pulled engineers and prod from FF versus for no reason??? This is now the time to create playable builds for TGS that will be highly polished and provide above standard user experience. Sorry i talk industry slang a lot."

"I wish. With MGS4 complete users will begin to question as to why either FF13 project is not out yet. We get this all the time here and when i use to work at Sony. I guess you have to understand how the industry works to get what i am trying to say...Oh well i have to get back to RB. Later guys."

"I was right about more then just xmb and trophies for 2.4. I wont be wrong about TGS."

Of Final Fantasy XIII dus inderdaad eind dit jaar in Japan uit zal komen blijft dus de vraag en zullen we moeten afwachten.