Call of Duty 2 patch 1.3

De derde patch voor Call of Duty 2 is uitgebracht. Het gaat om een all-inclusive patch, dus de voorgaande patches zitten ook in deze patch verwerkt.

Download de patch van één van deze locaties:
Call of Duty 2 site (1 Gbit)
XFire mirror

De patch doet het volgende:

- It is recommended that any user modifications that have been installed to the Call of Duty 2 directory be removed before installing this patch. These modifications are not supported by Activision and may not be compatible with some of the new features that are included.
- Call of Duty 2 does not support mods that have spaces in the mod's folder name. Be sure that the folder that contains your mod does not have spaces; otherwise users will not be able to download the files. For example, a mod in a folder called "My Mod" would be invalid, whereas "MyMod" or "My_Mod" would work.

- Raised the gamestate from 16k to 128k
- Added loading bars to maps mp_harbor and mp_rhine
- Addressed the PB GUID issue where players were not being assigned PB GUID's of exactly 32 characters.

mp_rhine map changes:
- Fixed player getting on top of broken wall and seeing through second story of bombed out building.

mp_harbor map changes:
- Reduced overall fog density
- Fixed missing water texture
- Fixed player not being able to shoot through lower portion of the first gap in a railing found on east side of map.
- Fixed player not being able to shoot through lower portion of railing found on east edge of map.
- Fixed a partially floating crate and a couple holes in sandbags.

NOTE - When benchmarking Call of Duty 2 using "timedemo ", the first few frames are
artificially slow. You will get more accurate results by using a spreadsheet program to process the values in "main/demos/timedemo__mode_.csv".
The first column is the frame number, and the second column is the number of milliseconds spent in that frame. Just ignore the first ten or so rows. The average framerate is 1000 divided by the average of the remaining rows