Epic neemt uitspraken over Revolution terug

Iedereen kan het zich vast nog wel herinneren, Epic was erg kritisch over de Revolution. Volgens Mark Rein van Epic gaat de volgende generatie alleen maar om graphics en was de Revolution controller niet meer dan een nutteloze gimmick.

Vandaag blijkt echter dat hij er toch spijt van heeft:

I regret the stupid comments I made on that IGN Live panel.

No I have not had a chance to try out the Revolution controller but I do think it will be very cool and I wish I had prefaced my silly comments by saying that first. I think Nintendo (and some great 3rd parties) will make amazing games for it. I can think of lots of cool ways to use that controller in games. In fact I did say that Nintendo would make awesome games for it. For the record I didn't say the controller itself was a gimmick.