Madonna krijgt

Popdiva Madonna heeft recht op het internetadres Dat heeft de VN-organisatie WIPO in Genve maandag bepaald.
Dan Parisi, die de naam als eerste claimde, verliest het recht de naam te gebruiken. Parisi gebruikte sinds 1998 als een pornosite.

Voorafgaande aan de rechtszaak heeft Parisi meermalen een bod van Madonna op de domeinnaam afgeketst en Parisi heeft voor de rechtszaak het Madonna Hostpital aangeboden de naam aan hen over te dragen.
Zijn advocaat gaat waarschijnlijk in hoger beroep.

Op schrijft Dan Parisi onder meer:

[...]One thing that we will say is that we were not happy that the lead panelist in the case Mr. Partridge is a trademark attorney who was the plaintiff lawyer in the WIPO case D2000-0313. We also own and he knows that and yet he is lead panelist in this case. It is not fair to respondents to have plaintiff lawyers who represent complaintants to also sit as judges in these hearings.

[...]We have never offered to sell this domain to Madonna Louise Ciccone the singer and have rebuffed all offers from her to purchase the domain name There are thousands of individuals throughout the world who have "Madonna" as a first or last name, thousands of businesses worldwide who use the name "Madonna" as their business name and there are 275 worldwide trademarks using the word "Madonna" including 75 Federal and State trademarks in the United States and Canada alone. There are 87 active websites using "madonna" in thier web address including and is operated by Madonna Rehabiltation Hospital and Madonna University operates a website at

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