Odin Sphere Leifthrasir toont speelbare personages

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, de HD-port van de PS2-klassieker, bevat maar liefst vijf speelbare personages. Het bijzondere daaraan is dat ze allemaal hun eigen verhaallijn hebben. Vandaag (re)introduceren we er drie.

Gwendolyn  Princess of Ragnanival in the North, and daughter of the Demon Lord Odin. She’s a courageous Valkyrie who’s feared on the battlefield, though her older sister Griselda surpasses her in ability. After growing up in her sister’s shadow, Gwendolyn tends to be quiet and reserved, but she’ll stand up against anyone when necessary.

Mercedes – The princess of Ringford, the fairy kingdom, and the next in line to be queen. Destined to one day lead the fairies, she’s a bit timid, but won’t hesitate to do something reckless to prove her ability to her mother. After become the next queen, she quickly matures and works hard to become a strong leader.

Cornelius – The prince of Titania. One day, Cornelius awoke in a land he had never seen before, and discovered that he had been transformed into a small, furry animal. Though he is in love with Velvet, a foreign princess, Cornelius fears that she will stop loving him if she sees what he has become. Cornelius has a very serious personality and a strong sense of justice. Because he is still young, he tends to have some naive, idealistic views.

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir komt ergens in 2016 uit voro PS4, PS3 en PS Vita.